""Snake-Eyes Declassified"" sur www.amazon.com
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This 192 page trade paperback collects the six issue Snake Eyes Declassified mini-series and is written by Brandon Jerwa, with art by Emiliano Santalucia and ...
This is the first issue of the Snake Eyes: Declassified comic book series, based on the fan-favorite ninja character Snake-Eyes.
""Snake-Eyes Declassified"" sur www.yojoe.com
SNAKE EYES: DECLASSIFIED COLLECTED EDITION ... Soldier. Ninja. Respected member of G.I.Joe. His real name is classified; his past, a blank slate... But behind ...
Snake Eyes: Declassified

Snake Eyes: Declassified

Livre de Brandon Jerwa
Date de publication originale : 30 janvier 2007
Auteur : Brandon Jerwa
Illustrateur : Emiliano Santalucia
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""Snake-Eyes Declassified"" sur www.amazon.com
Avis (15)
This 192 page trade paperback collects the six issue Snake Eyes Declassified mini-series and is written by Brandon Jerwa, with art by Emiliano Santalucia and ...
Avis (84)
Trouble happened when Snake eyes excelled at the stormshadow's family ninja dojo. Jealousy kills everything. So I knew this was the Snake Eyes declassified but ...
""Snake-Eyes Declassified"" sur www.yojoe.com
29,95 $US
SNAKE EYES: DECLASSIFIED COLLECTED EDITION (HARDCOVER) ... Soldier. Ninja. Respected member of G.I.Joe. His real name is classified; his past, a blank slate...
Snake Eyes: Declassified was a six-issue comic book series published by Devil's Due. It retells the origin of fan-favorite character, Snake Eyes.
""Snake-Eyes Declassified"" sur gocollect.com
G.I. Joe: Snake-Eyes: Declassified #1. Unknown Comic Age. Unknown Age. Cover Price: $2.95. Home · Comics · G.I. Joe: Snake-Eyes: Declassified #1 ...
""Snake-Eyes Declassified"" sur www.grahamcrackers.com
GI Joe Snake Eyes Declassified ... Soldier. Ninja. Respected member of G.I.Joe. His real name is classified; his past, a blank slate… But behind every mystery ...